



  Now displaying Results 31 - 35 of 45.

I was not kind to my body when I was young. Football, Army Airborne, and other things I did that really beat my body up. I have had to replace both knees and my hips are not the best in the world.

My buddy Don showed up one day wearing Z-CoiL shoes. He told me about them, so I figured what the heck, I'll give them a try. This past Saturday I went to Sweet Feet in Atlanta and bought a pair. I'm really sold. I've been showing them to all my friends, especially the guys who were in the military and jumped out of planes. I recommend Z-CoiL shoes to anyone who wants an easier path to tread.


Alvaton,  GA   

I am writing to express my delight with my Sidewinder sandals. It is such a joy to be able to stand for long periods of time and to walk effortlessly as long as I please without pain or fatigue. I also find that at age 73, hip and back discomfort has lessened due, I believe, to the improvement in my posture. I am more erect and in general have MORE BOUNCE TO THE OUNCE!

The customer service at Total Relief Footwear in Austin is outstanding, and I am very impressed with the expertise and professionalism with which my clogs were fitted to accommodate my particular problem, i.e., hammertoes and a bunion.

I am an ardent fan of Z-CoiL shoes. They certainly work for me.


Austin,  TX   United States

My Z-CoiL story began when I was 43 (I'm now 45). My husband and I had decided I MUST go back to work full-time. (I'd been a stay-at-home-mom for 10 years.) I wanted to start a new career, since my secretarial skills were pretty outdated. After much research and prayer, I decided to go to Cosmetology School and become a hairdresser.

One-and-a-half years later, with only six months to go before graduation, I began to have a lot of hip pain. It increased so fast that one day, when my foot felt numb, I went to the ER because I was so sure that this could not be the arthritis the doctor had indicated was in my hips. However, the ER doctor told me it WAS. I started seeing a lot of different doctors after that and the pain got worse every week. I continued to go to school plus working 20 hours a week as a shampoo girl, but I knew I couldn't keep it up and I was scared.

I had heard about Z-CoiL shoes from a customer at the salon. I will never, in all my life, forget how I practically crawled out of the car that day in front of the Z-CoiL store. I remember I had to grab my thigh and lift my foot up the curb. Just a little while later, my eyes were filled with tears of joy because I had a new hope that I would be able to finish my schooling and keep my job. And I did. Because of Z-CoiL shoes alone, I was able to hold off on my operation for eight months! And Clare and Ellen Bushman [at the Southfield Z-CoiL store] were soooo wonderful! The whole experience at the store was very enjoyable. I tell everyone it's fun just to go get fitted for the shoes. And I have had at least four people go and buy a pair on my referral.


P.S. Unfortunately, my other hip is also deteriorating (degenerative arthritis), but I know wearing my Z-CoiL shoes is a huge part of the reason it is happening much slower and I will be able to hold off on any operation for years this time. Which is more of a blessing for my family than I can tell you. Thank you again. I continue to share my story with my nursing friends and many elderly people I work with and I CONTINUE TO LOVE MY Z-COIL SHOES!


St. Clair Shores,  MI   USA

Having been athletic in the "good ol’ days," daily pain in my hips had become unbearable because of sciatica. I started to avoid walking and standing for long periods or distances and basically just became inactive for the last five years at least. I purchased my Z-CoiL® shoes in August 2006 before a two-week vacation on the mainland, during which we walked everywhere. A true test for the shoes. I now truly LOVE THEM and plan to throw out ALL my old shoes and purchase the Sidewinder Sandals to complete my shoe inventory of two pairs! I no longer have any hip pain!! And I can now include healthy walks for exercise without fear of pain!! I can’t thank you enough for this invention.


Waipahu,  HI   USA

I’m 24 and over 400 pounds. I had given up a lot of my activities due to a back injury in 2000 because it hurt to walk. I was always finding places to rest because my knees bothered me so much from the constant pounding on pavement and concrete floors.

I was first introduced to Z-CoiL® footwear earlier this year by a friend of mine who is also over 400 pounds. My first impression was that they were the ugliest shoes I had ever seen. After a few months, I saw how well my friend’s shoes helped him walk, so I decided to try a pair on the next time he went to the dealer. I lucked out and found the grey hikers in my size. They put the heavy-duty coils on the heel and let me go for a walk. I walked into the store with aching knees, ankles, hips, lower back, and a limp. I walked out in almost no pain and not limping.

These shoes are probably the best thing that’s happened to me lately. I’m now walking more, in a better mood because I’m not in as much pain, and I no longer walk with a limp, which, for a guy my age, was embarrassing. I intend on buying more, and my mother and friends, after seeing my results, are going to be buying some. Thanks for giving me back my mobility!


Maiden,  NC   USA

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